Abstract definitional interpreters in Haskell: a Final Tagless exercise
- Overview of the paper and this post
- A technical note
- The target language and its embedding
- Runtime representation
- Representing the interpreter
- Making interpreters
- Extensions
- Final thoughts
- References
This post is based on the Abstract Definitional Interpreters paper [1]. The paper shows how an interpreter for some target language embedded in a meta-language can be turned into an abstract interpreter, which is able to give certain over- and underapproximations of target program behaviors. This interpreter is shown to be total and terminating. We will refer to [1] as “the ADI paper” from now on.
The ADI paper represents the target language’s AST as a data type in the meta language (specifically, Racket). The interpreter is defined as a fold over this AST. This approach to language embedding is called initial by some authors.
Authors then claim that Racket’s module system allows separating the core interpreter and concrete details of its various flavors — for example, the same core is used to implement an evaluator and an approximating interpreter.
In this post, we will try to reimplement the ADI paper in Haskell.
When one thinks about embedding a language in Haskell with a possibility of having several interpretations for the same expressions, one of the first things that comes to mind is the final tagless approach popularized by Oleg Kiselyov [2]. We will try to apply it to the abstract interpretation and evaluate the properties of this approach.
Overview of the paper and this post
The trick of the abstract interpretation, employed in the ADI paper and introduced in [3], amounts to these steps:
- Define an interpreter for the target language as a recursive function over AST
- Make the set of all possible runtime values finite by introducing abstract values
- Use indirection via a store for all variable accesses
- Make the address space finite by allowing the same address to refer to multiple possible values.
This transformation (steps 2-4) makes an interpreter total and finite, but, of course, limits its power to just approximating the target program’s behavior.
The ADI paper defines a simple interpreter for an AST and then applies these steps. We will follow only some of them, demonstrating that they are possible to be implemented in a typed language like Haskell as successfully as in untyped Racket.
Namely, we will:
- Define an interpreter that depends on a set of monadic effects (section 3 of the ADI paper)
- Run it on some examples from section 3 to show that it works
- Show that it can be turned into a nondeterministic interpreter with abstract values (section 3.2)
- Run the new interpreter on the same examples and observe that it behaves as the one in the paper
- And finally, demonstrate that Final Tagless approach leads to easy extension of our language, something that is not possible in the original implementation
A technical note
This is a literal Haskell file. Here’s how to load in GHCi (adapt for other build tools if not using stack):
$ stack ghci 2019-09-04-abstract-definitional-interpreters.lhs \
--package markdown-unlit \
--package containers \
--package mtl \
--package transformers \
--ghci-options='-pgmL markdown-unlit'
We will use Haskell 98, that is Haskell + 98 extensions, as Csongor Kiss joked in his ICFP 2019 talk. Let us enable these extensions now.
Necessary extensions
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module ADI where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
The target language and its embedding
The language of [1] is a simple one — simply typed lambda calculus with one base type (integers) and recursion via explicit let rec
binder. We will not copy-paste its definition here and proceed straight to embedding.
Let us represent arithmetic operations available in the target language using a datatype:
data Op = Plus | Minus | Times | Divide deriving (Eq, Show)
First of all, we are going to use Typed Final Tagless encoding, to offload typechecking of the target language to GHC and also to ensure the totality of all interpreters. To do that, we will define a type class Lang
over some representation type repr :: Type -> Type
, which will be our embedding:
class Lang repr where
num :: Int -> repr Int
if0 :: repr Int -> repr a -> repr a -> repr a
op :: Op -> repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Int
var :: String -> repr a
lam :: String -> repr b -> repr (a -> b)
app :: repr (a -> b) -> repr a -> repr b
A note on type safety
There is, of course, a way to subvert the type-system by using thevar
combinator with an arbitrary type. This may be amended by pushing variable bindings to the type level, but this is not essential for this presentation.
Note that we are using explicit variable names in lambda-abstractions. If we were to follow Kiselyov’s work to the letter, we would need to represent the target language’s lambdas as Haskell functions:
lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (a -> b)
While this may be made to work in our case with some effort, it does not match the ADI paper and does not really fit our task. Reasons for this will be given in the next section.
Now that we have an embedding of our language, we can write some terms in it. We will use some examples from the paper and a couple more.
This term is supposed to evaluate to 63:
t63 :: Lang repr => repr Int
= op Times (op Plus (num 3) (num 4)) (num 9) t63
This term is supposed to fail due to division by zero:
tDivZero :: Lang repr => repr Int
= op Divide (num 5) (op Minus (num 3) (num 3)) tDivZero
And these terms show that functions also work:
tPlusTwo :: Lang repr => repr (Int -> Int)
= lam "x" (op Plus (var "x") (num 2))
t42 :: Lang repr => repr Int
= op Times (num 21) (num 2) t42
Higher-order functions are representable and type-checked by GHC as well:
tId :: Lang repr => repr (a -> a)
= lam "x" (var "x")
tTwice :: Lang repr => repr ((a -> a) -> a -> a)
= lam "f" (lam "v" (app (var "f") (app (var "f") (var "v"))))
tHO :: Lang repr => repr Int
= app (app tTwice tPlusTwo) (num 42) tHO
We omit recursive functions from our language for the sake of simplicity.
Since we are using typed embedding, it is trivial to extend it with booleans and, for example, give a more precise type for if0
Runtime representation
Remember that making an abstract interpreter requires a store for values and closures. We choose to represent the mapping of variable names to their (integer) addresses in the store as Data.Map.Strict.Map
type VarEnv = M.Map String Int
The store will also be represented as a map from addresses to values. And at this point, we must decide on runtime representation of our values.
When defining instances of his final tagless type classes, Kiselyov uses a newtype like this
newtype R a = R { unR :: a } deriving (Show, Eq)
emphasizing that it is not a tag.
This newtype is used to store both values and closures of the target language, which are simple Haskell functions in his case. This plays well with repr (a -> b)
encoding of lambdas, since this is instantiated with R (a -> b)
, which is just an ordinary Haskell function.
However, we can’t do it this way in our case, since in order to achieve the goal of the ADI paper, the implementation of the interpreter has to be monadic. This means that runtime representation of repr (Int -> Int)
can’t be a Haskell function of type Int -> Int
, but rather something like Int -> m Int
To overcome this, we will introduce a type Repr
with different constructors for different types of runtime values. This essentially drops the word “tagless” from our Final Tagless encoding. Doesn’t this defeat the whole point of doing everything in FT style?
It follows from [2] that the sole purpose of doing everything in tagless style is to avoid runtime errors in the interpreter due to pattern matching on tags. The same effect may be achieved with GADTs, which have been available for a long time by now.
With GADTs
, we could define our representation type Repr
as follows:
data Repr a where
RNum :: Int -> Repr Int -- for integers
RAbs :: ... -> Repr (a -> b) -- for closures
Alas, this is not possible in our case. Our store, represented as a Map
, is monomorphic in its value type, meaning that we would have to put Repr a
in some kind of existential wrapper like Data.Dynamic
, canceling the whole profit of having a GADT
. Moreover, when applying abstract interpretation trick, we have to make the store finite, meaning that some cells will be occupied by more than one value which may have different types, again calling for existentials.
So instead we make our Repr
an ordinary ADT:
data Repr (m :: Type -> Type) where
RNum :: Int -> Repr m
RAbs :: VarEnv -> String -> m (Repr m) -> Repr m
Show instance
instance Show (Repr m) where
showsPrec p (RNum n)
= showParen
>= 11)
(p showString "RNum " . showsPrec 11 n)
(showsPrec p (RAbs _e x _v)
= showParen
>= 11)
(p showString "RAbs " . showsPrec 11 x) (
This datatype is parameterized over arbitrary monad m
in which the interpreter runs.
Here, RNum
constructor encodes integers of the target language and RAbs
encodes its closures. RAbs
has to store the variables captured by the closure, name of the lambda-bound variable it expects and a monadic action that evaluates it.
Having defined this Repr
type, we are able to define the type of the store, parameterized over the representation:
type ValStore (m :: Type -> Type) (r :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) = M.Map Int (r m)
Representing the interpreter
The next step is to write an interpreter. Now, we will argue that our task is not in embedding a single language in Haskell, but rather embedding two languages. The first one is the lambda-calculus we have already dealt with, and the second one is the language of abstract interpreters. It has the following operations:
to get “memory address” of variable from the current environmentreadAddr
to get a value or closure from memory by its addressalloc
to create a new cell in the store and return its addressstore
to write a new value to an address in memorywithEnv
to run some action with a variable bound to some address
Both languages are completely independent of each other and may be expressed in different styles. We chose Final Tag(less) for the first one, let’s do the same with the second.
Since our language involves mutable state through store
combinator, we will have to use some Monad in Haskell. We will define this monad in the so-called “mtl style”, using a type class to abstract over all possible implementations.
We will use MonadReader
to represent binding of variables to their addresses and MonadState
to represent the store. We also need MonadFail
to represent the possibility of failure in the target language, to be able to detect divisions by zero.
The Interpreter Monad
As we are going to define interpretation monad in “mtl” style, we need a type class:
class MonadInterpreter (m :: Type -> Type) (r :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) | m -> r where
getEnv :: m VarEnv
findAddr :: String -> m Int
readAddr :: Int -> m (r m)
alloc :: String -> m Int
store :: Int -> r m -> m ()
withEnv :: VarEnv -> m a -> m a
Instances of this class will use VarEnv
and ValStore
class to interact with the store. We can use MonadReader
and MonadState
classes for that and give a general instance for our type class:
instance (Monad m, MonadReader VarEnv m, MonadState (ValStore m r) m) => MonadInterpreter m r where
= ask
getEnv = (M.! x) <$> ask
findAddr x = (M.! a) <$> get
readAddr a = M.size <$> get
alloc _ = modify $ M.insert x v
store x v = local (const $ e) withEnv e
The actual interpreter
Finally, we are ready to make an instance of the Lang
type class. For that, we need some type repr
that will be able to unify with Lang
’s member types. We can’t use some Monad m => m a
for that because we want to use our Repr
runtime tags. Let’s introduce a special wrapper:
newtype WithRepr m r a = WithRepr { getInterp :: m (r m) }
Here a
type variable is a phantom one, meaning that it will unify with type-checked repr
from the typeclass, but there will be no type information in the runtime values.
Instance for Lang
is pretty straightforward:
instance (MonadInterpreter m Repr, MonadFail m) => Lang (WithRepr m Repr) where
= WithRepr $ findAddr x >>= readAddr
var x
= WithRepr $ return $ RNum x
num x
WithRepr x) (WithRepr a) (WithRepr b) = WithRepr $ do
if0 (RNum x' <- x
-- Here a pattern match failure is possible, which is hidden by `MonadFail` instance.
-- If we were using GADTs, `x` would have type `m (Repr Int)` and the only way to match was to use
-- RNum constructor and GHC would be happy, but we are not, and so pattern match failure does
-- not occur solely by our Gentlemen Agreement.
-- This is equally relevant for every other method in this instance.
if x' == 0 then a else b
WithRepr a) (WithRepr b) = WithRepr $ do
op op' (RNum a' <- a
RNum b' <- b
case op' of
Plus -> return $ RNum $ a' + b'
Minus -> return $ RNum $ a' - b'
Times -> return $ RNum $ a' * b'
Divide -> if b' == 0 then fail "Divide by zero" else return $ RNum $ a' `div` b'
WithRepr a) = WithRepr $ do
lam x (<- getEnv
e -- A closure must remember environment at its point of definition.
return $ RAbs e x a
WithRepr f) (WithRepr a) = WithRepr $ do
app (RAbs e x f' <- f
<- a
<- alloc x
store addr a'
-- Extend closure's environment with a value for its argument and evaluate it
withEnv (M.insert x addr e) f'
As you can see, this instance ties any fitting monad with our language. By supplying different monads, we will be able to control the behavior of the interpreter without changing anything in its code.
Making interpreters
With all that in place, we only need to give an instance of MonadReader
and MonadState
, and we’ll have an interpreter. The easiest way to obtain these instances is to use monad transformers from the mtl
package, but there are other possibilities like the capability library or any of the algebraic effects libraries.
A simple interpreter
Let’s write a simple interpreter that evaluates programs to their final values. Just stack transformers in the right order:
newtype RInterpreter a
= RInterpreter
getR :: ReaderT VarEnv (MaybeT (StateT (ValStore RInterpreter Repr) Identity)) a
}deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader VarEnv, MonadState (ValStore RInterpreter Repr), MonadFail)
runR :: RInterpreter a -> (Maybe a, ValStore RInterpreter Repr)
= runIdentity . flip runStateT mempty . runMaybeT . flip runReaderT mempty . getR runR
With that, we can run our terms:
> print $ runR $ getInterp @_ @Repr $ t63
(Just (RNum 63),fromList [])
And an example of failure:
> print $ runR $ getInterp @_ @Repr $ tDivZero
(Nothing,fromList [])
Higher-order functions work as well:
> print $ runR $ getInterp @_ @Repr $ tHO
(Just (RNum 46),fromList [(0,RAbs "x"),(1,RNum 42),(2,RNum 42),(3,RNum 44)])
In the last example we can see all values that end up in the store after the interpretation.
As in the original paper, if we simply swap MaybeT
with StateT
, there will be no store output in the case of failure:
newtype RInterpreter' a = RInterpreter' { getR' :: ReaderT VarEnv (StateT (ValStore RInterpreter' Repr) (MaybeT Identity)) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader VarEnv, MonadState (ValStore RInterpreter' Repr), MonadFail)
runR' :: RInterpreter' a -> Maybe (a, ValStore RInterpreter' Repr)
= runIdentity . runMaybeT . flip runStateT mempty . flip runReaderT mempty . getR' runR'
> print $ runR' $ getInterp @_ @Repr $ tDivZero
Approximating interpreter
Now we are ready to make something more interesting — an interpreter that computes an approximation of the target program’s behavior. This is the second example from the paper and it amounts to replacing all results of arithmetic operations with an abstract number (NN
For that, we need a new representation type:
data NRepr (m :: Type -> Type) where
NNum :: Int -> NRepr m
NN :: NRepr m
NAbs :: VarEnv -> String -> m (NRepr m) -> NRepr m
Show instance
instance Show (NRepr m) where
showsPrec p (NNum n)
= showParen
>= 11)
(p showString "NNum " . showsPrec 11 n)
(showsPrec _p_ (NN)
= showString "NN"
showsPrec p (NAbs _e x _v)
= showParen
>= 11)
(p showString "NAbs " . showsPrec 11 x) (
and a new instance of Lang
. This interpreter will be non-deterministic, returning a list of possible outcomes. We will represent this with an Alternative
constraint and a ListT
So, define another newtype
newtype NInterpreter a = NInterpreter { getN :: ReaderT VarEnv (StateT (ValStore NInterpreter) (MaybeT Identity)) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader VarEnv, MonadState (ValStore NInterpreter), MonadFail, Alternative)
runN :: RInterpreter' a -> [(Maybe a, ValStore NInterpreter)]
= runIdentity . runListT . flip runStateT mempty . runMaybeT . flip runReaderT mempty . getN runN
Unfortunately, this newtype won’t work. GHC derives Alternative
instance for NInterpreter
from MaybeT
, which short-circuits all fail
ures. To overcome this, we define our own MaybeT
-like transformer with the help of DerivingVia
newtype MT m a = MT { getMT :: m (Maybe a) }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFail, MonadState s) via (MaybeT m)
deriving instance (Show a, Show (m (Maybe a))) => Show (MT m a)
instance (Monad m, Alternative m) => Alternative (MT m) where
= MT $ empty
empty MT x) <|> (MT y) = MT $ x <|> y (
instance for MT
forwards <|>
to underlying monad instead of using Maybe
Now we can use MT
to define the actual NInterpreter
newtype NInterpreter a = NInterpreter { getN :: ReaderT VarEnv (MT (StateT (ValStore NInterpreter NRepr) (ListT Identity))) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader VarEnv, MonadState (ValStore NInterpreter NRepr), MonadFail, Alternative)
runN :: NInterpreter a -> [(Maybe a, ValStore NInterpreter NRepr)]
= runIdentity . runListT . flip runStateT mempty . getMT . flip runReaderT mempty . getN runN
And, of course, we need a Lang
instance for NRepr
instance (MonadInterpreter m NRepr, MonadFail m, Alternative m) => Lang (WithRepr m NRepr) where
= WithRepr $ findAddr x >>= readAddr
var x
= WithRepr $ return $ NNum x
num x
WithRepr x) (WithRepr a) (WithRepr b) = WithRepr $ do
if0 (<- x
x' case x' of
NNum 0 -> a
NNum _ -> b
NN -> a <|> b
-> error "Gentlemen Agreement broken"
WithRepr _a_) (WithRepr b) = WithRepr $ do
op op' (case op' of
Plus -> return $ NN
Minus -> return $ NN
Times -> return $ NN
Divide -> do
<- b
b' case b' of
NNum 0 -> fail "Divide by zero"
NNum _ -> return $ NN
NN -> fail "Divide by zero" <|> return NN
-> error "Gentlemen Agreement broken"
WithRepr a) = WithRepr $ do
lam x (<- getEnv
e return $ NAbs e x a
WithRepr f) (WithRepr a) = WithRepr $ do
app (NAbs e x f' <- f
<- a
<- alloc x
store addr a'
withEnv (M.insert x addr e) f'
And finally we can run it:
> print $ runN $ getInterp @_ @NRepr $ tDivZero
[(Nothing,fromList []),(Just NN,fromList [])]
As expected, we see both possibilities — failure and success.
Duplicating code from previous Lang
instance may be seen as a disadvantage, but it seems natural and in fact inevitable — if two interpreters use different runtime representations, they hardly can share a meaningful amount of code. Of course, we can regard Repr
as a third “language” in our problem and write Final encoding for it as well, which would allow for extensibility, but that seems an overkill.
One of the major advantages of solving the Expression Problem (see [2] for discussion of) in the Final style is a possibility to extend the language “for free”.
We chose to omit the recursion from our language to simplify things. Now let’s add it back to our language to see if that advantage holds in our case.
To do that, we only need to define a subclass to our Lang
type class and write an instance for it:
class Lang repr => RecLang repr where
letrec :: String -> repr (a -> b) -> repr (a -> b)
instance (Monad m, MonadInterpreter m Repr, Lang (WithRepr m Repr)) => RecLang (WithRepr m Repr) where
WithRepr a) = WithRepr $ do
letrec x (-- This code is a direct translation of Racket code in the paper
<- getEnv
e <- alloc x
addr let e' = M.insert x addr e
<- withEnv e' a
store addr vreturn v
In this extended language we can define classic factorial function:
fact :: RecLang repr => repr (Int -> Int)
= letrec "f" $ lam "n" (if0 n (num 1) (op Times n (app f (op Minus n (num 1)))))
fact where
= var "n"
n = var "f" f
And check that it indeed works:
> print $ runR $ getInterp @_ @Repr $ app fact (num 5)
(Just (RNum 120),fromList [(0,RAbs "n"),(1,RNum 5),(2,RNum 4),(3,RNum 3),(4,RNum 2),(5,RNum 1),(6,RNum 0)])
Naturally, one cell in store is occupied by fact
’s closure itself and others by arguments to all recursive calls.
A truly abstract interpreter
The next step would be to make the store actually finite (sections 3.3 and 4 of the ADI paper). In our case, this would require changes only in the MonadInterpreter
instance, which then can use <|>
and asum
of the underlying Alternative
to account for nondeterminism in the store. We will not do this here, but we assume that this change will be a rather straightforward one.
Final thoughts
We’ve seen that Final Tagless (well, not tagless in our case) style is as expressive for the task of abstract interpretation and solves the same problem that Initial approaches like free monads and algebraic effects do.
We’ve also shown that the major advantage of FT in an Expression Problem still holds in the abstract interpretation case. This resembles the results from Kiselyov’s paper [4], where he builds compilers completely in Final style.
Final Tagless was also used to control monadic effects the interpreter can do. In this post, we were able to get away with plain old mtl
for that, but if we were to add more features from the paper, we would need things like two StateT
s in a stack, which is a pain in mtl
. This should not be regarded as a disadvantage of this approach, though, as there are other libraries without this limitation. One of them is capability
, which claims to be “mtl done right”. Curiously though, capability
does not implement the Nondeterminism effect at the moment, which is crucial for abstract interpretation.
One more observation of this post is that combining GADTs
with final encodings gives more freedom in interpreter implementation, while still letting the compiler prove that our interpreter will be total.
By using monomorphic store in this concrete case, we lost this totality proof. Instead, possible pattern match failures occur in multiple interpreter methods. Totality may be recovered by shifting all failures to a single point, namely into var
combinator. If the values in store were wrapped in Dynamic
, we would be able to use fromDynamic
to recover the needed type or fail, giving every other method access to correct types.
As a final note, we would like to point out that from a category-theoretic point of view, the Final style is not in fact Final, which is acknowledged by Kiselyov and pointed out in [5]. Actually, Final and Initial encodings are isomorphic.
However, this does not mean that the whole Final / Initial distinction is completely senseless. It well may be that one style gives better performance than the other, for example, due to more optimization possibilities for the compiler. This is known to algebraic effects library authors, who usually compare their libraries to mtl
and report comparable performance.
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